Saturday, September 09, 2006

Celebrity liposuction

It is a fact that many celebrities are now opting to go for a New Jersey liposuction to at least get the upper hand in the neverending battle of the bulge. Janet Jackson, Cher, Ricki Lake...the list is endless. In fact, I don't seriously believe there's one Hollywood figure out there who hasn't had or had at least considered cosmetic surgery.

Well, maybe not Jessica Alba. She is just naturally hot. But give her a decade or two and we'll see...

Many Hollywood Stars Look Old

Many Hollywood stars look their best when they appear in public, especially at the red carpet of awards shows. But papparazzi shots of them going about their personal business sans glamorous getup and makeup tend to show how ordinary looking most of these stars are. Some even look downright horrible, especially actresses who look way older than they really are. Just look at the countless papparazzi shots of actresses like Kirsten Dunst and Pamela Anderson and you'll see what I mean.

The funny thing is, they could well afford to go for an injection of Botox Los Angeles plastic surgery practices are offering. It's beyond me why these actresses won't go for improving how they look when their looks are supposedly their meal ticket.


When John Travolta was still starting out, he was basically a skinny kind of guy. A great dancer, he buffed up for the sequel to Staying Alive, the sequel to his monumental hit of a debut, Saturday Night Fever.

Have you seen John Travolta lately? The formerly slim and trim John has been involved in battles of the bulge for the past twenty years or so. And it looks like he's losing.

Of course, you can't really blame the guy. It's just nature taking its course, John being in his 50's. But his protruding gut isn't really much of a problem. With all his fame and fortune, there's no doubt he can well afford to go for a San Jose tummy tuck, which is probably one of the quickest solutions for big bellies.

Now if only I could afford one...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stingray ends Steve Irwin’s Crocodile Hunting Days

After more than a decade of dancing with death as he handled countless dangerous creatures, Steve Irwin, known the world over as The Crocodile Hunter, was killed Monday by a creature statistically less dangerous than the thousands of crocodiles and venomous snakes that have taken a bite at him in the past. reports that a stingray killed Irwin while shooting a segment for a special called “Ocean’s Deadliest”. A colleague said Irwin swam too close to a startled stingray which instinctively whipped its tail, which has a poisonous barb, and pierced The Crocodile Hunter’s heart.

Irwin’s death is a great loss. One of the most popular, enthusiastic and hardcore wildlife conservationists of all time, The Crocodile Hunter, his daredevil feats, his think Australian accent and his trademark catchword, Crikey!, will surely be missed. But news of his death surely isn’t a shocking or even a surprising one.

With the way he dealt with the world’s most dangerous animals, it’s even a wonder that Irwin reached the age of 44. As he himself claims, he’s been bitten a thousand times. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that with his line of work, death is no longer a question of how, but when.

Irwin died doing what he loves. It’s a cliché, I know, but nothing best describes what happened to the guy. For all intents and purposes, he died a good death. And I’m pretty sure The Crocodile Hunter won’t have it any other way.