Friday, May 12, 2006

The X-Men's Last Stand

With all the hype surrounding the The Da Vinci Code movie, I would have forgotten that there is a third X-Men movie up for release if not for Rebecca Romijn's "I'm freaking out!" appearance on the American Idol results show that saw Chris Daughtry get the boot.

The gorgeous Romijn, who plays shape-shifter Mystique, shamelessly plugged X-Men: The Last Stand, which will premiere on May 26, a full week after the movie based on Dan Brown's bestseller opens.

Clips from the latest and supposedly last installment of the mutant saga are all over the Internet. Here's one. There's also a seven-minute clip at the official website of Dell.

What can I say?Well, I'm pretty much revved-up about this one. The Sentinels, Beast, Angel, Juggernaut and Shadowcat all make their debuts in this film. Plus, the war that the first two X-Men movies keeps on hinting about seems to be finally here. Best of all, mutants of all shapes, sizes and colors make up Magneto's "army", promising a visual effects extravaganza.

Many were disappointed when Bryan Singer left the series to do Superman Returns, and left the directing chores to Rush Hour director Brett Ratner. Many film snobs have already crucified Ratner long before he started work on the movie, and I think that seems a bit unfair. Admittedly, the movies he's known for are not exactly the kind that would stimulate brain cells. In fact, his movies seem to deaden them. But only a cinematic idiot of a director (think Ed Wood), which Ratner is most definitely not, could mess up material as rich as that of the X-Men.

Then again, I fear that Ratner has taken a lot of liberties with the X-Men mythos. But in today's world of multi-media crossovers, it is already expected that some story details considered to be canon are going to be distorted, ommitted, or downright reversed.

Luckily for us in the Philippines, we'll be among the first to see if Ratner delivers. The movie opens here on May 24, two full days ahead of the scheduled U.S. release.


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